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2024/2025 Scientific Committee Meeting

Date Event Location
08. 07. 24 Letter of intent
29. 07. 24 Full proposal
18. 09. 24 Scientific Commitee Meeting Online
30. 09. 24 Letter of intent
21. 10. 24 Full proposal
04. 12. 24 Scientific Commitee Meeting Online
06. 01. 25 Letter of intent
13. 01. 25 Full proposal
12. 03. 25 Scientific Commitee Meeting Bern
07. 04. 25 Letter of intent
28. 04. 25 Full proposal
11. 06. 25 Scientific Commitee Meeting Online
07. 07. 25 Letter of intent
28. 07. 25 Full proposal
17. 09. 25 Scientific Commitee Meeting Online
29. 09. 25 Letter of intent
20. 10. 25 Full proposal
03. 12. 25 Scientific Commitee Meeting Online